Refund Policy

Welcome To Refund Policy

Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. has formed this refund policy to define the conditions when Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. will allow a refund, the process for requesting a refund in contrast to an order and the accountabilities of Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. related to a situation ending in a refund claim. By registering for any of Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. services, you are declaring that you have read and consent to all of the terms and conditions outlined in this refund policy.

The information Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. accumulates is used to develop the content of our website, used to acquaint consumers with information about information to our web site or complications with their request.

If you don’t want to receive any email from our side in future, please let us know by referring an email to us or by writing to us and telling us that you don’t want to receive email from our enterprise.


Cancellation policy

Cancellation is only allowed if Admission Process has not been initiated by us, once we start the admission process cancellation is not allowed, and if cancellation is done then there is no refund.


Coverage & Scope

This refund policy shields the conduct of refunds by Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. and/or a website owned and operated by Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. This refund policy does not spread on the practices of companies that Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. does not own or control, or of persons that Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. does not engage or manage, including any 3rd-party service and/or product suppliers bound by deal and any 3rd-party websites to which Dream Medicine Educon Pvt. Ltd. Website association.


Filing a complaint

Eventually, our goal is to reach a communally acceptable solution. If you are unconvinced for any reason that has caused you to think about filing a refund claim, please take a few minutes to write to us at to start a dialog before requesting a refund. Refund claims should only be filed if we are unable to come to a communally adequate solution.